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Technical Translation

Intransco, Inc. was founded in 1973 by a medical research scientist and an electronics engineer who recognized the need for a translation service which would communicate the meaning of technical materials, rather than simply providing a "literal" translation of the words.

Since that time, Intransco's translators have provided technical translations in many different specialties. These fields include, for example, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, industrial technology, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, physics, semiconductors, and similar technical subjects.

Our translators are selected individually for the specific material that needs to be translated. If an article from a German biotechnical journal is to be translated, for example, the translator selected would be a translator with a Ph.D. in biosciences who has an excellent working knowledge of German but whose native language is English. More often than not, the translator has also published in the peer-reviewed literature of his/her specific field. After each technical translation has been completed, a senior technical editor (again, a person who has training and experience in the field of the translation) reviews the completed translation and confers with the original translator on any questions that may arise.

The kinds of technical materials that we have translated over the years include:

  • Journal articles/reviews/communications
  • Instruction manuals for many types of instruments and equipment
  • Technical patents and patent examinations of technical subjects
  • Documents relating to chemical and pharmaceutical compositions and production processes
  • Requests for quotations on technical projects
  • Laboratory procedures and laboratory notebooks
  • Processes conducted in industrial plants
  • R & D reports and progress reports of technical scope
  • Technical correspondence, meeting reports and internal memos

We would be happy to discuss a project in a particular technical field. We have technical translators available for most languages and specializations. Please contact:

Fax: 781.334.4445
Attn: Elise Weaver
Mail: Elise Weaver
Project Coordinator
P.O. Box 239
Lynnfield, MA 01940

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Phone: 781.334.3123   Fax: 781.334.4445   Email: